About us

KDS Ketchure: Embracing Christian Values of Togetherness and Love
At KDS Ketchure, our foundation is built upon the timeless biblical values of Jesus Christ, particularly emphasizing the profound principles of togetherness and love. Our brand, led by the visionary designer and founder, Keturah D. Steadman, is not just about fashion and style; it's about the power of words and their capacity to define, shape, and associate us with meaningful concepts.
Keturah, a devoted Christian, believes wholeheartedly in the profound impact of language and names. She understands that a word can transcend mere letters; it can resonate deep within our souls, creating a lasting connection and inspiring the very essence of who we are. This philosophy is at the heart of KDS Ketchure's design ethos.
When crafting her designs, Keturah doesn't just focus on aesthetics. She carefully selects names that are not only visually pleasing but also hold the power to inspire and deeply connect with each individual who wears her creations. Each name chosen is infused with intention and purpose, a testament to her commitment to making a profound difference in the lives of those who adorn KDS Ketchure.
For KDS Ketchure, it's not just about clothing; it's a statement of values, a testament to the transformative power of words, and a celebration of togetherness and love. Join us on this journey, where fashion is more than just a garment; it's a message, a connection, and an inspiration.


The founder CEO and designer of KDS Ketchure. Keturah Deborah Steadman

The founder CEO and designer of KDS Ketchure. Keturah Deborah Steadman

Keturah, a devoted Christian, believes wholeheartedly in the profound impact of language and names. She understands that a word can transcend mere letters; it can resonate deep within our souls, creating a lasting connection and inspiring the very essence of who we are. This philosophy is at the heart of KDS Ketchure's design ethos.

When crafting her designs, Keturah doesn't just focus on aesthetics. She carefully selects names that are not only visually pleasing but also hold the power to inspire and deeply connect with each individual who wears her creations. Each name chosen is infused with intention and purpose, a testament to her commitment to making a profound difference in the lives of those who adorn KDS Ketchure.